The WBNH Good Newsletter
March 2025

The Joy of Springtime!
As the ground begins to thaw and our clocks fast-forward an hour, we see hints of green in anticipation of the first day of spring...
For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. -Isaiah 61:11
Yes, the Lord giving us spring every year also reminds us of His righteousness being bestowed upon those who love Him, those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) Consider the greatness of God as we watch His handiwork unfold during this wonderful season.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank Stuber Land Design of Tremont, for helping make the grounds of WBNH beautiful. Dale and his crew have graciously donated their time, expertise and product, and we look forward to the rich blooms and bright colors in the coming days!
Share 2025 will be April 3-5!
Do you feel a sense of hope? Like God is doing something new? We do too! As we pray "God, Revive us in '25!" come join us as we ask God to bring new life and spiritual renewal to central Illinois during our annual fundraiser Share 2025! It's a celebration of our culture, friends—new and old, brothers and sisters, and ultimately to give Jesus glory for all things.
We celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to WBNH, and the love He has for this listening family, a culture that started over 37 years ago.
So mark April 3-5 on your calendar! And would you consider volunteering during Share? It’s a blessing to see so many of our listening family here taking phone calls, sharing hospitality, praying over the ministry, or welcoming guests to the station. If you're interested, Carla would love to hear from you. Contact her at (309) 636-8850 or carla@wbnh.org.
A New Way to Donate?
Have a vehicle you would like to donate to WBNH? Now you can! We've partnered with a non-profit to help make it easy! Your tax-deductible donation could be a car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat and includes pick up arrangements at no cost to you! For all the details on how it works or for more information click here: WBNH Vehicle Donation Program.
WBNH, a Heavy Hitter!
It’s refreshing when we hear how God is at work by way of His radio ministry. One morning recently, a listener sent this note:
If only you knew what a "heavy hitter" WBNH is in my life. I know Dr. David Jeremiah has been in my earshot for so many years I cannot count, but you and your crew have been present for me for more hours than one can count. Thank you, Lord, for WBNH hitting the ball out of the park for Your glory and my good. Amen Jesus, Amen!
Has God’s Word “hit it out of the park” for you? We treasure words like these from our listening family, reminding us of the importance of the task before us – spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world that sorely needs Him. To God be the glory! Great things He has done.
Do you also have a testimony of how WBNH has impacted your life? Please call anytime at 309-636-8850 or email us at wbnh@wbnh.org. And if you call outside our normal hours, you can leave a voicemail (and we may use it on the radio!).
The birds sing of His glory,
Jim, Keith, Daniel, and Carla
Your friends at WBNH 88.5FM